Want to join the team?
Do you think you have what it takes to to be a Big Boss Berger? Goodluck! Berger will take you through a gruelling training, that requires you to travel all over the world! She will break you down, make you loose all your possessions and develop incredibly embarrassing stories all over the world! All part of the training to build you up to be part of the BBBT, it's what makes the BBBT experience so unique and how you form lasting connections with your tourists!

Training Apparel
Berger will personally dress you up in the silliest costumes promoting her brand! Expect branded swag all Hi-Vi, this makes you stick out so your tourists will never loose site of you!
Once you have been put through the years of training required to earn your Doctorate in Big Boss Berger Tours, all you get is this badge to wear proudly! they're extremely rare as only one known badge has been rewarded and thats the Big Berger Boss herself!
Some say Jan taught her everything she knows, only they will ever know the truth....